G-10tm Color Flooring Aggregates are specially designed for Epoxy Flooring Applications. Colors are fast, attractive and chemically bonded to clear quartz. Even when you abrade or break the quartz, the colors reflect from the other sides.
Gem Stone Quartz is highly chemical resistant to acids, alkalies , and solvents. Method of application: Broadcast or trowel.
Pearl White,Garnet Red, Onyx Black, Tourmaline Green, Citrine Beige, Moonstone Grey, Tiger's Eye Brown, Lapis Blue, Topaz Yellow, Jasper Tan, Sapphire Blue, Hematite Dark Grey. Custom Colors available.
Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Flooring. Warehouses, Art Galleries, Hospitals, Locker rooms, Garages, Ramps, Office Rooms, Food and Pharmaceutical production areas, Schools, Fire houses, Post Offices, Photo studios, Automotive centes, Battery rooms, Unit control rooms, Generator rooms, etc.
Solvent free, Water clear, Excellent chemical resistance, Excellent adhesion to concrete , steel, and wood, High gloss, Low temperature curing, Blush free.
For more information about this product, please contact us today. When you reach out, we will happily answer any questions you may have about it.
Coming soon - Call (800) 966-5142 for more info or email info@deltapolymers.com