PolyKrete-222 is a two component, 100% solid epoxy system. It is high modulous, moisture insensitive and low temperature (30°F) curing system.
It is used as a coating, resurfacing or repair in areas where low down time is required. At 30°F - 35°F it will yield a hard, dense, abrasion resistant surface. Above 65°F PolyKrete-222 treated surface can be opened up to traffic in as little time as three hours.
Resistant to:
Surface should be sound, clean, free of oil, grease, detergents, dust, loose paint and sealants. Areas may be dry or wet but free of standing water. Use conventional methods acid etching but mechanical scarification is the best and preferred.
Mix two part Base to one part Hardener by Volume. Mix thoroughly by scraping sides and bottom.
PolyKrete-222, as soon as it is mixed thoroughly, just pour it on the floor right away in lines. Use brush or long hand roller to spread evenly. It is self levelling.
Polykrete-222 Gel
Mix two part Base to one part Hardener. Mix thoroughly and use it right away or add one part sand to every one part of mixed Gel and use this mortar mix for patching.
Coming soon - Call (800) 966-5142 for more info or email info@deltapolymers.com